年度U.W. 马克思高尔夫精英赛为新荣誉学院筹集资金



哈德逊山谷社区学院基金会举办了第29届年度高尔夫精英赛.W. 马克思建筑公司,2023年7月17日星期一,在特洛伊乡村俱乐部. 该活动由58家当地企业和捐助者赞助, 筹集了超过114美元,为推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜新成立的荣誉学院捐款.

荣誉学院的使命是吸引未来的学者和培养领导者参与严格的课程,以学术为重点, 服务, 领导, 和多样性. 荣誉学院的学生将表现出求知欲, 雄心壮志, 诚信与全球公民.

首批30名学生将于2023年秋季开始该项目. 要获得资格,学生必须取得A.A. or and A.S. STEM指定专业的学位, 文科, Business or 健康科学 with a minimum cumulative high school average of 90 as determined by a high school transcript; intend to transfer to a four-year institution; secure a recommendation letter for a high school counselor, principal or teacher; submit a personal essay highlighting academic and extracurricular accomplishments and reflecting on the unique value of an honors education; and participate in an interview with 荣誉学院 Director Lamyaa Hassib.

每个被选入荣誉学院的学生都将获得学费奖学金, 以及支付他们学习计划所需的课本和设备. The 荣誉学院 offers students the opportunity to take advantage of small sizes and close interaction between professors and students; membership to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, National Collegiate Honors Council and Northeast Regional Honors Council; participation in internships, 研究, 服务 learning and conferences; several scholarship opportunities; and enhanced transfer success through numerous articulation agreements with four-year institutions.

基金会仍在努力实现筹集350美元的目标,以支持荣誉学院及其学生. 如欲捐款,请浏览 荣誉学院赞助页面. 有关荣誉学院的更多信息,请访问 loaiif.443693.com/honors.

