哈德逊山谷社区学院’s 70th Commencement Celebrates More Than 1,500 Graduates

May 11, 2024

Graduates range in age from 16 to 71, and come from 38 countries around the globe

哈德逊山谷社区学院 held its 70th annual Commencement exercises in a three-ceremony format, 按学习项目组织, on campus at the McDonough Sports Complex in Troy on Saturday, May 11, 2024, 表彰超过1人,500年毕业生. Three ceremonies were held to include all degree and certificate programs for the STEM学院, the 卫生科学学院, and the 商学院和文科学院.

在学校举行的典礼上, graduates received individual recognition on stage and heard inspirational remarks from President Roger Ramsammy, representatives from Rensselaer County and the Hudson Valley 校董会, 学生会主席和教务长. 成千上万的家人和朋友亲自出席了仪式, and all three ceremonies were livestreamed on the college’s website: loaiif.443693.com/commencement.

2024届的学生包括1名,515 students who have earned associate degrees and certificates in 80+ program areas in the Schools of STEM, 健康科学、商业和文科. Of them, 440人以优异成绩毕业, and 150 are members of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. The Class of 2024 also includes 47 graduates who are either veterans or active duty members of the military.

2024届学员年龄从16岁到71岁不等, and includes 15 students who graduated from dual-enrollment high school programs, including the first graduate of the QUESTAR III and HVCC STEM High School. 毕业生来自全球38个国家, though more than 85 percent of Hudson Valley’s Class of 2024 resides in the Capital Region.


Business 政府 graduate 奥马尔·坎宁安 sees the game of chess as a metaphor for his life – chart a plan, 采取正确的行动,好事就会发生. A prodigy of the game from a young age (his expert-level play took him across the country for tournaments), Omar has used that strategy to conquer addiction and homelessness in his young life, and he’s now thriving with the help of some great mentors and the community he found at Hudson Valley. 奥马尔会得到威利A. 哈米特学生服务奖和诺曼R. 小McConney. Award for Student Excellence, for the top student in the Educational Opportunity Program. A Fall 2023 graduate, he is continuing his education at the University at Albany.

A mother of three young children and the recipient of the Respiratory Care Class of 2024 Student of the Year Award, 布里安娜·伯里斯已经成为兼顾工作的专家, 家庭和学校. Her days start early and they end late, but, she says, the hard work has paid off. After a half dozen years working as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), in 2022 Brianna decided to move into the respiratory care field. She was accepted into Hudson Valley’s two-year associate degree program for fall 2022, but the birth of her daughter not long before her first semester threatened to derail her plans. It didn’t. 在她努力工作和家人的帮助下, Brianna excelled in the rigorous Respiratory Care program and is graduating with honors.

Few 哈德逊山谷社区学院 graduates have faced challenges similar to 穆罕默德Khalafalla, 他出生在苏丹的一个小村庄, because his father was able to obtain a green card to work in the US, 他十几岁时移民到这里. Mohamed spoke very little English when he started his Architectural Technology studies at Hudson Valley but two years later, 他以全班第一名的成绩毕业, and will be entering the Architecture program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the fall.

Jordyn Goldhaber
2017年高中毕业时, Jordyn Goldhaber为自己设定了一些目标, 都围绕着在课堂上教书的职业. She had a few false starts in her higher education but when she arrived at Hudson Valley in 2022, 她知道自己找到了合适的人选. 乔丹利用了CareerNext项目, 它提供个性化的学术, organization and planning support for students with autism and learning differences. She excelled in her student teaching placements and will graduate from the Early Childhood program with close to a 4.0 GPA. Jordyn是Phi Theta Kappa的成员, 两年制大学的国际荣誉协会, 还有卡帕德尔塔派, 教育专业荣誉学会. 在她上大学的时候, 她曾担任幼儿俱乐部的联合主席, and also received a Leadership in Education Award from her department this year.

当科琳·卡特成为妻子和母亲的时候, 她把照顾他人放在首位, especially in her job as Assistant Director of Residential Services at St. 奥尔巴尼的安妮研究所. 16岁离家出走后, Coleen didn’t earn a high school diploma and when she decided she wanted to continue her education as an adult learner, 她知道哈德逊谷是一个合适的地方. Earning her High School Equivalency diploma and an associate degree in Human Services, Coleen is on track to earning a bachelor’s degree to fuel her dream of becoming a therapist.

Taison Adams
Taison Adams is an Autobody Technical Services - Autobody Repair student who is eager to graduate this May. 作为一个面临经济困难的单身父亲, 他发现了高等计划, which led him to the Capital District 教育机会中心 (EOC). 2022年从焊接专业毕业后, he decided to continue his education at HVCC and pursue his lifelong interests in the automotive field. Taison has come a long way in a short time, and he says his future is now more promising than ever.

利亚Carvajal is an Automotive Technical Services student. While she was very unsure of what career path she wanted to take, she began searching through many programs and schools and came across the Automotive program at HVCC. 利亚说她马上就对这个项目感兴趣了, and she realized working on cars was something she could actually picture herself doing. 她是许多学生的榜样, especially young women seeking to enter non-traditional careers, and also recently became the first female to win the ATS Top Wrench "Student of the Year" award.

